PHP Date and Time The PHP date() function is used to format a date and/or a time. The PHP Date() Function The PHP date() function formats a timestamp to a more readable date and time. Syntax date(format,timestamp) Parameter Description format Required. Specifies the format of the timestamp timestamp Optional. Specifies a timestamp. Default is the current date and time A timestamp is a sequence of characters, denoting the date and/or time at which a certain event occurred. Get a Date The required format parameter of the date() function specifies how to format the date (or time). Here are some characters that are commonly used for dates: d - Represents the day of the month (01 to 31) m - Represents a month (01 to 12) Y - Represents a year (in four digits) l (lowercase 'L') - Represents the day of the week Other characters, like"/", ".", or "-" can also be inserted between the characters to add additional formatting. The exa...
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